Two different types of repositories are supported in MagicDraw v12.5 and above.The server uses the Native repository type by default when first installed. Switching to a different repository type inevitably causes the project migration task to increase.
It is possible for the Teamwork Server to import and export projects, triggered from the Administrators console (read Administrator’s Console Dialog). Import & Export is only possible in the Native repository type format. The Native repository type is a kind of intermediate form for information interchange.
Note that the terms “import” and “export” are used relatively to the currently running server (the one to which administrator's console is attached):
import: importing data into the current server from the designated directory.
export:exporting data from the current server into the designated directory.
Migrating the server from the Native repository to the SVN repository
Start the Server on the Native repository (projects/versions stored in a directory).
Open the Administrator's Console. Reconfigure the server to work with the SVN repository.
In the Administrator’s Console, reconfigure the server to work with the SVN repository.
Restart the server to use the new repository.
Server users
Make sure all users are logged out before restarting the server.
The Server starts. The only things in the repository are the profiles needed to work with MagicDraw.
Login again to the Administrator’s Console and trigger the project import. Select the directory to import from, the same directory where the export was performed.
Projects are now in a new SVN repository.