Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
How to

To show or hide element contents

  • Click and re-click the arrow button to show and hide the contents.

    Showing and Hiding Element ContentsImage Modified

    Showing and hiding element contents
  • .


How to

show an element specification, active hyperlink, Submachine of state, or behavior of the Call Behavior action

  •  Click a diagram's element to show the shorcut menu for opening its specification, Active Hyperlink, Hyperlink, submachine of state, or behavior of the call behavior action.

    Web Publisher 2.0 Context MenuImage Modified

    Web Publisher 2.0 context menu
  • .


How to

add an Active Hyperlink to a model

You can add an active hyperlink to any symbol on a diagram. There are three kinds of hyperlinks: Element, File, and URL. However, the Element type hyperlink is available for the Active Hyperlink column on the Generic Table diagram image only.

You can navigate to the target if you double-click the hyperlinkon the diagram in the Web Publisher report. The following figure below shows the Submachine State hyperlink in the Web Publisher report.

Image Modified

The Submachine State hyperlink in the Web Publisher report.

If you double-click the Submachine State in the above example, it navigates to the target and opens it for you as shown in the following figure.

Image Modified

The hyperlink navigates to the target in the Web Publisher report.

MagicDraw elements in the Active Hyperlink column in the Generic Table diagram link to the associate elements. If you click an element in this column, you will be navigated to the Specification page of the associated element.

Content layer

How to

To hide or show the


Containment menu

  • Click the CONTAINMENT menu to hide it, and click it again to show it.
Hiding the Containment MenuImage Modified
Hiding the Containment Menu.

To expand

How to expand

or collapse the Containment tree

  • Click the “+” button in the Containment tree to expand it, or click the “-” button to collapse it.
Expanding and Collapsing the Containment TreeImage Modified
The button to expand or collapse the Containment tree.

How to

To reduce or increase the Containment tree width

  • Drag the separator line between the containment and the content panel to reduce or increase the width of the Containment tree.

Content column

How to

To generate a Web Publisher report

  1. Open the Magic Library.mdzip sample project from the <MagicDraw_home>/samples/case studies directory.
  2. Click Tools > Report Wizard. The Report Wizard dialog will open.

    Selecting Web Publisher 2.0 TemplateImage Modified
  3. In the Select Template pane, select Default Template > Web Publisher 2.0, and click Image Modified

  4. You can either:

    •  select the built-in report data or click Image Modified to create a new one. Type the new report name and description, and then click Image Modified.

Content block

The Magic Library sample model, which comes with MagicDraw, is used in the figures of this page. To open the sample properly, you need to install MagicDraw and download Magic Library.mdzip or find in the modeling tool <modeling tool installation directory>\samples\case studies\Magic Library.mdzip.

The Web Publisher 2.0 report template comes with predefined variables and their values. Before generating a report based on the Web Publisher 2.0 template, you can add more variables to it, edit the existing ones, or delete those you do not want to include in your report. 

Image Modified

Report variables of Web Publisher 2.0.

The following table shows the variable names and values of the Web Publisher 2.0 template.

AuthorThe report's creator.
TitleThe report's title.

Possible values:

  • Leave it empty or unspecified to use the MagicDraw icon as the homepage image.
  • Enter a diagram name (plain text) to display the selected diagram as the homepage image, for example, Software Development Process.
  • Enter “mdel://” followed by a model element ID to display the element as the homepage image, for example, mdel://_10_0EAPbeta2_8740266_1126593738250_35764_172”.
  • Enter the location of an image file on your computer to display the image as the homepage image, for example, “file://d://picture//image.jpg”.
  • Enter the location of an image on the Web to display the image as the homepage image, for example,

Image Modified
Diagram as the homepage image.

True: Shows a context menu when right-clicking a diagram element.

False: Shows an element specification or opens an element, a diagram, or a page specified in any existing active hyperlink when right-clicking a diagram element.


True: Selects a node when you move backwards or forwards.

False: Type "false" if you want it another way.


True: Copies a linked file from a model hyperlink into an output report folder.

False: Keeps the link to an absolute path only.


True: Shows data in a report, and opens the Appears in tab when clicking an element in the Containment tree or a diagram pane. 

False: Hides the Appears in tab in a generated report.


True: Automatically navigate the active hyperlink of each element. For example, if A has an active hyperlink to B and B has an active hyperlink to C, then C will be shown when you click A.

False: The behavior of navigation to active hyperlink is the same as that of MagicDraw. For example, if A has an active hyperlink to B and B has an active hyperlink to C, then B will be shown when you click A. 


True: Shows the property ID of an element in the Containment tree.

False: Type "false" if you want it another way.


True: Resize SVG images when the browser is minimized.

False: Enable SVG image linkable capability, but the resizable capability would be disabled.


If the "SVGDiagramResizable" is set to True, the SVG image would be resizable on web browser, but it would not be linkable.


The following section contains the instructions on how to work with your Web Publisher report.


  • In the Select Report Data pane, you can create a new set of Report Data for the Web Publisher template. The Report Data is a container for a set of custom-defined fields in the template. It can be used to group different report versions.
  • To edit or create a variable in the report data by clicking Image Modified, edit or delete information for predefined custom fields or create a new one, and click Image Modified.

    Image Modified
  • Click Image Modified.
  • Select the element(s) from the model that you want to include in the report data, and click Image Modified. Select the scope of the report in the open package tree. Select the Model package if you want to have a web-based report of your entire project.

    Selecting the Scope of the Web Publisher 2.0 ReportImage Modified

  • Click Image Modified.
  • Click theImage Modified button to locate the report file location.

  • Select the file location, type the report name, and click Image Modified. A generated web report will include a number of folders and files.

  • Select the report image format: *.png*.jpg or *.svg.

  • Select an option to display empty value information, either Empty text or Custom text.


    In some cases, the query may return an empty value that creates blank fields in the report. The Display empty value as option is useful when you have a standard representation for blank fields.

  • Select the Image Modified check box to open the report document with the default editor.

  • After all options have been selected, click Image Modified.

  • Expand

    The Web Publisher 2.0 report interface uses a horizontal scrollbar, which appears when the length of an element's name exceeds the current width of the Containment tree. The default width of the containment tree is 20% of the web browser width.


    Only MagicDraw element type is available. File and URL address cannot navigate to the associated artifacts.


    Image Modified

    MagicDraw elements in the Active Hyperlink column in the Generic Table diagram links to the associated MagicDraw elements in the Specification page.


    titleHow to

    To display a property ID in the Containment tree

    • Click Tools > Report Wizard > Variable to open the Report Variable dialog.
    • Select the DisplayTreeElementId variable and enter the value true.
    • Click OK to show the requirement property IDs in the Containment tree.

      The Requirement Property IDs in the Containment Tree in MagicDrawImage Modified

      The requirement property IDs also appear in the Containment tree of Web Publisher.
    • To display ID Property in the Web Publisher 2.0 report containment treeImage Modified

    titleHow to

    To go to the index page

    • Click the MagicDraw Web Publisher 2.0 at the top-left corner of the screen to go to the index page.

    Image Modified

    Shortcut to the index page


    titleHow to

    see the description of an element

    • On the Specification tab, move your mouse over an element to see the description in a tooltip.

      Showing Element DescriptionImage Modified

      Showing an element description
    • .


    ExpandtitleHow to

    show property visibility of your report

    • In the Specification tab, select Standard, Expert, or All from the Mode drop-down menu. The mode appears in the property visibility depends upon the mode that you have selected in MagicDraw.

      Property Visibility Mode TypesImage Modified
      Property visibility mode types
    • .


    ExpandtitleHow to

    open an Activity, a State Machine, a Collaboration, or an Interaction sub-diagram

    • Click an Activity, State Machine, Collaboration, or Interaction diagram to open a sub-diagram associated with an element.
    • Opening Activity, State Machine, Collaboration, or Interaction DiagramImage Modified
    Clicking a diagram name to open its subdiagrams


    ExpandtitleHow to

    open the sub-diagrams of a state with Submachine

    1. Double-click either a state with a Submachine or a call behavior action of which behavior is specified. For example, double-clicking the last Submachine State Request Access : Connection in the following figure.
      Image Modified

    Double-clicking a State with Submachine.
    1. When you double-click it, the associated diagram opens (see the following figure).
      Image Modified

      State machine diagram viewed in web publisher interface.
    titleOn this page

    Working with your Web Publisher report


    titleOn this page

    The sample model used in the figures of this page is Magic Library that comes with MagicDraw. To open the sample properly you need to install MagicDraw and:

    • Download Magic Library.mdzip or find in the modeling tool <modeling tool installation directory>\samples\case studies\Magic Library.mdzip.
    1. Click the “+” button in the Containment tree to expand it, or click the “-” button to collapse it.

    Expanding and Collapsing the Containment TreeImage Added

    The button to expand or collapse the Containment tree.
    Content block

    Related page