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All multmulti-iline line directives such as #if, #else, #elseif, #foreach, and #macro must be used under the following conditions:
The beginning and ending statements must be declared within a single cell. The two figures below show two samples of invalid usage of the multi-line statements between cells.
A sample of an invalid multi-line statement.
Another sample of an invalid multi-line statement.Tip Since the body of the #if statement is contained in the cell A2, this cell will not be generated if the condition is not true (the element type is not “usecase”). Due to the constraints of spreadsheet document structure, the number of cells in a column must be equal to the number of cells in all columns, and the number of cells in a row must be equal to the number of cells in all rows.
The codes in the figure above will break the structure of a spreadsheet document. The two figures below demonstrate two samples of valid usage of the multiline multi-line statements.
A sample of a valid usage of multi-line statements.
Another sample of a valid usage of multi-line statements.VTL Macro must be declared within a single cell. Do not insert the multi-cell recorded macros in a single cell, see figure below.