Report Wizard provides a set of templates to support the Use Case Driven approach methodology. A MagicDraw project that creates the Use Case Driven approach development steps can generate a report to capture elements.
Report Wizard provides 3 templates for the Use Case Driven approach:
Use Case Specification Report
Method Specification Report
Use Case Project Estimation Report
You can create a new MagicDraw project using the Use Case Driven approach either as:
(i) A blank project with the UseCase_Profile.xml module or (ii) A Use Case project
To create a new project as a blank project using UseCase_Profile.xml
On the main menu, click File.
Click Use Module . The Use Module dialog will open.
Select the UseCase_Profile.xml module.
Click Finish. The MagicDraw project will apply the Use Case Description profile.
To create a new project as a Use Case Project
A MagicDraw project will apply the Use Case Description profile automatically.