The Web Publisher 2.0 report consists of three panels:
Containment panel-This panel contains two tabs: Containment and Diagrams. The Containment tab shows data of a project in a tree structure, and the Diagrams tab shows all diagrams in a project.
Content panel-This panel shows an element's content.
Search panel-This panel contains a Quick Search box. You can search for an element in a project by either typing in a specific keyword or by using a regular expression as a keyword.
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Web Publisher 2.0
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The Containment tab.
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The Diagrams tab
The Content panel of Web Publisher contains three tabs: Diagram, Specification, and Appears in. You can click any element in the Containment tree of Web Publisher to open three tabs.
The Diagram tab shows diagram images.
The Specification tab shows elements specification.
The Appears in tab shows you all diagrams in which a particular element is present. You need to select the element in the Containment tree to open the Appears in tab.