The following data source parameters are used for integration with and connection to Cassandra.
Parameter | Description | Default value |
cassandra.contactPoints | Cassandra hosts or IP addresses, separated by commas. | localhost |
cassandra.port | Cassandra port for CQL clients. | 9042 |
cassandra.keyspace.replication.factor | Cassandra replication factor for “auth” keyspace which is used by the authentication server. The replication factor should be the same as in the Teamwork Cloud application.conf file. | 1 |
cassandra.connection.max.attempts | Maximum number of attempts to connect to Cassandra on server startup. | 10 |
cassandra.connection.sleep.before.attempt | Time interval before connection attempts in milliseconds. | 30000 |
cassandra.username | The user name used for connecting to Cassandra. | cassandra |
cassandra.password | The password used for connecting to Cassandra. | cassandra |
cassandra.ssl.enabled | Enable SSL authentication for Cassandra. | false |
cassandra.ssl.ignore.certificate | If SSL certificate check should be ignored while connecting to Cassandra. | true |
Enabling SSL authentication for Cassandra
To enable SSL authentication for Cassandra
- Set the following properties in the file:
cassandra.ssl.enabled=true cassandra.ssl.ignore.certificate=false
2. If the Cassandra certificate is not signed by a public certificate authority, go to Java cacerts directory used by Authserver (WebAppPlatform) and import Cassandra public certificate by running the following command:
keytool.exe -import -trustcacerts -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -noprompt -alias 'server-alias' -file server.cer