Example package
This page provides an example package for building Cassandra and Magic Collaboration Studio components from a Magic Collaboration Studio No-Install package. The example package uses Docker Compose to build all the components required to deploy a fully-functional Magic Collaboration Studio containerized environment. Such an environment can be deployed in an orchestration framework to enhance scaling and management.
Magic Collaboration Studio Container Example Package Components
Docker Hub Pulled Images:
- Cassandra 4.0.3
- Zookeeper 3.7.0
- ZooNavigator 1.1.1 (elkozmon) (optional)
- Elasticsearch 7.16.2
External Packages:
- Magic Collaboration Studio 2022x No-Install Linux (downloaded from the 3DS software download page)
- ActiveMQ Artemis 2.26.0 (downloaded automatically after executing the containerization environment staging script)
Example with Docker Compose
The example package requires at least 32GB of available RAM.
- Download and extract the example package into an empty working directory.
- Download a 2022x or newer version of Magic Collaboration Studio No-Install Linux package.
- Rename or symbolically link the no-install package to twcoudsuite.zip.
- Execute the config.tw-compose.sh script to stage the containerization environment.
Run the following command to initialize Docker Compose container configurations:
docker compose build
Run the following command to launch containers:
docker compose up -d
If you execute this command for the first time, it will build the containers as well.
- Use the following URLs:
To access web UI:
To connect from a modeling tool client (with default port 3579):
To access REST API/Swagger Page:
You can apply the Magic Collaboration Studio license via the web UI or REST API.
Helpful commands
To follow the output (tail) the output of a specific container:
docker compose logs -f <Container Name or ID>
To stop all containers but retain data in non-persistent storage:
docker compose stop
To stop all and remove all running containers (non-persistent storage data will be lost):
docker compose down -v