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A trade study or trade-off study is the activity of a multidisciplinary team to identify the most balanced technical solutions among a set of proposed viable solutions (System Engineering Manual, Federal Aviation Administration, 2006).
A trade study is used to compare with a number of alternative solutions to see whether and how well they satisfy a particular set of criteria. Each solution is characterized by a set of measures of effectiveness (often abbreviated “moe’s”) that corresponds to evaluation criteria and has a calculated value or value distribution. The moe’s for a given solution is then evaluated using an objective function (often called a cost function or utility function), and the results for each alternative are compared to select a preferred solution.
Cameo Simulation Toolkit has built-in support for trade study analysis. The TradeStudyExamples sample model is used as a demonstration for trade study analysis through the following steps.
Add the newly created constraint Block as a Constraint Property in the Analysis Block then right-click the Constraint Property and select Stereotype objectiveFunction.
Create alternatives by creating references properties typed by a Block of alternatives and apply «alternatives» to the newly created references properties, e.g., C : Caliper, R : Rotor, and P : Pad as shown in the figure below.
If you intend to use the Parameter Sweep functionality to automatically generate alternatives based on the specified ranges, skip this step. |
From the Containment tree under the MD Customization forSysML::analysis patterns::trade study package, drag TradeStudy «Block» «Analysis» into the Block Definition diagram (BDD) created in the previous section.
The TradeStudy package is available in all SysML projects. If the MD Customization for SysML package is not visible, click |
Parameter Sweep generates alternatives automatically based on the specified parameters. Once you create the Analysis Block, follow the steps below to model an Internal Block Diagram for using Parameter Sweep.
In this workflow, the TradeStudyExamples model is used as an example. You can find it in the <install_root>\samples\simulation directory. |
To create an Internal Block Diagram for using Parameter Sweep
Create a Simulation Configuration diagram, add a SimulationConfig to the newly created diagram, and set the following tags:
resultLocation: a package/instance table must be specified so an instance with related information will be saved after running the simulation. The information includes N, OutOfSpec, score, winner, and other elements.
Tags neglected: to neglect animationSpeed, constraintFailureAsBreakpoint, UI, and autoStart.
The winner value on each iteration will be compared directly with the score value property.
When the simulation is either completed or canceled, winning information will be printed on the Console pane in the following three lines as shown in the figure below.
The first line shows the number of iterations (completed/canceled) of all alternatives for executionTarget with elapsed time.
The second line displays the winning configuration from the winner string.
The third line is the winningscore from the ^score.
The winner string is printed with the formats as follows: where StringKind will apply the following rules, depending on kind of alternative:
The result instance will be saved at the location as specified in resultLocation of SimulationConfig. You can create an instance table, set a Classifier to the TradeAnalysis Block, and set Scope to the package of the results.