To add a reset Activity to the Entry to the ready State
- Right-click the ready State on the StopWatch State Machine diagram and select Specification to open the State's Specification window.
- Select the Entry row and click the
button. A context menu will open. - Select Activity. A new Activity will be created for the entry to the ready State.

- Name the created Activity "reset".
- Click Close to close the Specification window. The reset Activity will be added to the entry to the ready State on the StopWatch State Machine diagram as shown .

- Add an Activity diagram to the created reset Activity of the ready State by right-clicking the reset Activity in the containment browser and select New Diagram > Activity Diagram. A new Activity diagram will be created.

- Use the default name of the diagram, which is "reset".
- Add a CallBehaviorAction to the resetTime Activity on the reset Activity diagram by dragging the resetTime Activity from the containment browser to the reset Activity Diagram.

- Complete the reset Activity by adding an Initial stage and a Final Activity stage to the reset Activity diagram and connect the two stages and the resetTime Action using ControlFlow, which is on the Activity Diagram toolbar.