Description The AV-2 presents all the metadata used in an architecture. An AV-2 presents all the data as a hierarchy, provides a text definition for each one and references the source of the element (e.g., DoDAF Meta-model, a published document or policy). An AV-2 shows elements from the DoDAF Meta-model that have been described in the Architectural Description and new elements that have been introduced by the Architectural Description. It is essential that organizations within the DoD use the same terms to refer to a thing. Because of the interrelationship among models and across architecture efforts, it is useful to define common terminology with common definitions (referred to as taxonomies) in the development of the models within the Architectural Description. These taxonomies can be used as building blocks for DoDAF-described Models and Fit-for-Purpose Views within the Architectural Description. The need for standard taxonomies derives from lessons learned from early DoD Architectural Description development issues as well as from federation pilots conducted within the Department. Federation of Architectural Descriptions were made much more difficult because of the use of different terminology to represent the same architectural data. Use of taxonomies to build models for the architecture has the following benefits over free-text labeling: - Provides consistency across populated views, based on DoDAF-described Models.
- Provides consistency across Architectural Descriptions.
- Facilitates Architectural Description development, validation, maintenance, and re-use.
- Traces architectural data to authoritative data sources.
Implementation AV-2 can be represented: - Using a report, which is automatically generated from all data. Since only a partial AV-2 report can be generated, the rest of data must be filled in manually.
- An AV-2 table.
