On this page

The Admin Tools package is a set of Linux utility scripts that facilitate server-side tasks. You can use these scripts to manage services (start, stop, check status), archive log and configuration files, and check the installation environment. Furthermore, you can generate shortcuts to log and configuration files in a central location for troubleshooting and monitoring configuration changes.

The Admin Tools package is included with 2024x and newer releases.

You can also download utilities_2024xRefresh1.zip and use it on older releases (19.0 to 2022x).

Creating shortcuts

The add-twc-shortcuts.sh script creates symbolic links to key log and configuration files so everything can be accessed in one location. For older versions of Teamwork Cloud, the Utilities/AdminTools path is created in the installation path and all utilities are copied over as well. A system path entry is set optionally in /etc/profile.d/twc.sh (applied at the next login session). Elevated permission is required to execute this script.

Shortcut files mapping for add-twc-shortcuts.sh

Shortcut name

Original filename
















webapp.log or web-app.log



Managing services

You can use this set of utility scripts to manage all Teamwork Cloud services. Elevated permission is required to execute these scripts.

Note that if add-twc-shortcuts.sh was executed and system path is set, these scripts can be executed anywhere.

Script name



Check the status of all services. If service is running, output will display: ACTIVE.

When run as root/sudo, service log will be generated for each failed or stopped service.

If Cassandra is installed and running on the same server, nodetool status will be used to report on Cassandra mode.

Add "network" option to check port bindings of each service.


Start all Teamwork Cloud services that are installed on the system.

Services will only be started if they are installed and not active.

Add “db” option to start Cassandra service (only performed if Cassandra is installed on same server).


Stop all Teamwork Cloud services that are installed on the system.

Only services that are currently running will be stopped.

Add “db” option to stop Cassandra service as well. A nodetool drain will be performed first before service is stopped (only performed if Cassandra is installed on same server).


Perform proper nodetool drain before stopping the Cassandra service. This script is called by twc-stop.sh.

Archiving configuration files

Use the backup-twc-configs.sh script to create a backup package of the current certificate/keystore and all Teamwork Cloud configuration files. The default backup path is /opt/local/TWC_Backup. Elevated permission may be required to access files and archive path.

Comparing configuration files

Use compare-twc-config.sh to compare the current configuration against a reference set of configurations. Reference set can be either be from a backup or the no-install package.

Checking installation environment

The check-env.sh script is a tool for checking the installation environment on a server. This script does not require elevated permission to execute. See the table below for a list of checks performed.


TWC version installed

Java version(s) installed

OS and version

Execution permissions on /tmp & /home

SELinux setting

fapolicyd service status

FIPS mode setting

Cassandra version installed

Cassandra /data & /logs mount types

Trimming webapps

Use the webapp-trim.sh script to control the number of webapps to run on the server. Run with the minimum set of webapps for troubleshooting. Optimize system resources by running only the webapps that users need.

Only run webapps in the $RUN_LIST specified inside the script file.
minFor troubleshooting and fast startup, set to minimum webapps needed.
restoreRestore server to run all the webapps.
helpDisplay list of options for script.