Welcome to the Cameo Requirements Modeler Plugin user guide! It is intended to assist you with using this plugin. Please read the sections below or use the Quick Search box to find a specific topic.
- Getting started.
This section presents the basic procedures for using the tool, such as:
- creating a new Requirement project
- specifying options and properties
- customizing the environment, understand the concepts in the user interface
- using the search and filter features
- using the most common shortcut keys
- and others.
- Creating requirements.
This section shows how to create Requirements in the Requirement Diagram and Requirement Table.
- Importing requirements.
This section describes how to import Requirements from ReqIF, CSV, Excel files, and how to use Cameo DataHub to interchange them.
- Relating requirements.
This section explains how to create specific relationships between Requirements (including Derive, Refine, Satisfy, or Verify) directly on the Requirement Diagram pane or in the Requirement Matrices.
- Creating Requirement Diagram for sub-requirements.
This section demonstrates how to create a new Requirements Diagram for the sub-requirement that becomes the owner of a new diagram and is marked with the diagram sign.
- Modifying requirement text.
This section presents all procedures for editing and modifying the Requirement text by using the rich text formatting toolbar, Glossary terms, hyperlinks, and images. It also shows how to switch the requirement text to HTML or a Plain text format.
- Customizing requirement properties.
This section shows how to create custom properties for the Requirements. It is closely related to the UML Profiling and DSL Guide when trying to extend Requirements with custom properties.
- Replacing requirements.
This section shows how to use the Refactor command to replace one Requirement with another one.
- Analyzing Requirements.
This section offers mechanisms (such as Dependency Matrices, Relation Maps, validation, traceability, metrics, and others) allowing you to analyze Requirements in various formats and ways.
- Extracting Constraint from Requirement.
This section shows how to use the Extract Constraint From Requirement command for automatic constraint creation directly from the Requirement text.
- Exporting requirements.
This section describes how to export Requirements to ReqIF files manually, from the command-line interface, or automatically by applying an automated pre-processing script before ReqIF file export.
- Generating requirement reports.
This section explains how to generate Requirement reports in the .docx and .html/.htm formats directly from your model.
- Basic requirement concepts.
This section contains all specific requirement concepts and their descriptions.