The Startup dialog appears when you launch a modeling tool (MagicDraw, Cameo Systems Modeler, or Cameo Enterprise Architecture) for the first time. Select your work perspective in this dialog.

Due to their growing numbers, many features may be configured for the standard or expert user. The tool better satisfies the needs of different software development process roles by using Perspective.

Use perspectives for:

  • Selecting a predefined configuration and features according to your software development process role.
  • Finding features faster, because there are fewer.
  • Choosing a suitable experience mode with a single click.
  • Customizing a set of predefined features and configurations based on user needs.

There are four perspectives:

  • Full Featured perspective provides all features available in the modeling tool and installed plugins.
  • Quick Start perspective provides basic features dedicated to modeling with an interface that is not overcrowded, making learning quicker. Code engineering, transformations, and other advanced features are hidden yet easily reachable in expert mode.
  • Software Architect perspective provides features primarily involved in designing and implementing projects. It is a set of roles consisting of Software Architect, Designer, Interface designer, and Database designer. This is the default modeling tool configuration. All functionalities are available for expert mode.
  • System Analyst perspective provides features primarily dedicated to obtaining requirements and modeling the system. Analysis features are highlighted. Configuration is modeling-oriented. Code engineering, transformations, and other features are hidden.

To set the perspective for the modeling tool environment

  • Launch the program for the first time. The Startup dialog opens where you can switch between perspectives. Select the desired perspective from the list and click OK.
  • From the Options menu, choose Perspectives > Perspectives. The Select Perspective dialog opens. Select the desired perspective and click the Apply button.
  • On the Perspectives toolbar, select the desired perspective from the list.

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