Using the FlexNet license server

After installing the product, you need to log in to the Administrator account and apply the Magic Collaboration Studio license.


  • You need to have the FlexNet license server with the Magic Collaboration Studio license.
  • The Administrator account is required when applying the license for the first time. Subsequent license updates can be performed by any user who has the Server Administrator role.

Important information:

  • Magic Collaboration Studio will automatically apply the selected license whenever it starts. If the license does not exist in the license server, the server will go into a limited mode, allowing only a user with the Server Administrator role to log in.
  • After applying the license, Magic Collaboration Studio permanently consumes one user connection.

To apply the Magic Collaboration Studio license using the FlexNet license server

  1. In a web browser, go to http(s)://<domain_name>:<port>/webapp to open the authentication page.
  2. Sign in using the Administrator account credentials. 
  3. Open the Settings application.
  4. In the left-side menu select the Server license.
  5. In the License server field of the License Information card enter the license server address and click the Show Licenses button.
  6. Select the license you want to apply and click the Confirm button.

After applying the license, the License information card displays the license that is used. If you want to update the license, see Changing a Magic Collaboration Studio license.

Using DSLS

You need to have DSLS (Dassault Systèmes License Server).

You can configure the Magic Collaboration Studio license using the user interface of Teamwork Cloud Admin.

To apply the Magic Collaboration Studio license through Teamwork Cloud Admin

  1. Open Magic Collaboration Studio in a web browser using this address format: https://<machine ip>:<port>/webapp. 4085 is the default port.
  2. Sign in to Magic Collaboration Studio using the administrator account credentials (the default credentials are Administrator/Administrator). 
  3. Click the Settings application to open it.
  4. From the left-side menu select the Server license page. There you will find the License information table.
  5. Choose the DSLS tab.
  6. In the DSLS tab, select one of the following:
    1. Organization defined and then click SHOW LICENSES.

      You do not need to set the address as it is already defined in the DSLicSrv.txt file by the organization. The API will know to checkout licenses from servers defined in that file:

      • On Windows: C:\ProgramData\DassaultSystemes\Licenses
      • On Linux and Mac: /var/DassaultSystemes/Licenses

    2. Custom. Enter the IP address of the License server (if it is on the same instance, use, and click SHOW LICENSES. The address provided in address line is used to connect to the licensing server.
  7. If a valid license is found, it is applied automatically. If there are multiple licenses available, select the license to use on this server and click Confirm.
  8. After applying the license, in the License information table, you will see the license that is used.

Edition: with DSLS, product licenses are checked out using trigrams instead of the full product name. See Product trigrams for the specific trigrams denoting each product.