This page contains the instructions to integrate the authentication server with the ForgeRock application (ForgeRock is the company that develops open-source identity and access management products for cloud, social, mobile, and enterprise environments) Integrating the authentication server with ForgeRockTo integrate the authentication server with ForgeRock
Log in to ForgeRock as administrator. Either select or create the realm, which will be used for integration. Make sure that the realm uses stateful sessions. The realm in this example is "twc". In the realm overview select Authentication > Settings. Click the General tab and clear the Use Stateless Sessions check box. Click Save Changes.
 - Go back to Dashboard and in the realm overview, select Create SAMLv2 Providers and then Create Hosted Identity Provider.

Fill in the Identity Provider data by selecting the realm, the signing key, and entering a new circle of trust's name.
 Click Configure to save the Identity Provider. Return to the main page. Select FEDERATION menu item and select to modify the newly created Identity Provider in the Entity Providers table in the Circle of Trust Configuration section. Remove the value "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:X509SubjectName=" in NameID Value Map in the Assertion Content tab, if any. Add the value "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:X509SubjectName=uid" to the map. By default, this nameID is used in the Authentication Server for user identification ( parameter
 Save the configuration changes.
Deploying the authentication serverTo deploy the authentication server
- During the deployment process add the SAML integration configuration parameters to the file
- Save the file and .
Configuring SAMLv2 Remote Service ProviderTo configure SAMLv2 Remote Service Provider
- Go back to ForgeRock and, in the realm overview, select Create SAMLv2 Providers and then Register Remote Service Provider.
- Select the realm.
- Specify the URL of Authentication Server metadata: http[s]://<auth-server-host>:<auth-server-port>/authentication/saml/metadata (if such URL is accessible from ForgeRock) or select a file of stored Authentication Server metadata (usually used in https case).
- Enter or select the same circle of trust as that of the Identity Provider and click Configure.

- A Service Provider with the default name com.nomagic.authentication.server will be created. The name of the service provider is configured in the Authentication Server's authserver file (parameter