In the 19.0 and later versions, the Create OSLC link operation is not displayed and is used through the Create DHTrace operation instead from the Operation drop-down list in Cameo DataHub Explorer (for IBM® Rational® DOORS® Next Generation Data Source).

To create an OSLC Link

  1. From the Operation drop-down list in DataHub Explorer, select Create DHTrace.

  2. From the IBM® Rational® DOORS® Next Generation data source, drag a node into the MagicDraw® Containment area.
  3. There is the popup menu after dragging the node to the MagicDraw Containment area. Choose one type of link from the list that you want to create.

    Figure OSLC Link types

Note, that when you copy the Doors Next Generation (DNG) datasource's requirements from the DataHub containment tree to MagicDraw containment tree, the URI link is created automatically for those requirements with the type “self”. This "self" type link is needed for previewing, navigation, or other purposes.

The figures below show the newly created OSLC hyperlinks in the MagicDraw® Containment tree, OSLC hyperlinks' properties, and an OSLC hyperlink in the DH Links panel respectively.

OSLC hyperlinks in MagicDraw containment area

 The newly created OSLC hyperlinks in the MagicDraw® Containment tree.

Properties of OSLC Link

The OSLC hyperlink's properties.

An OSLC hyperlink in the DH Links panel.