IntroductionThe SysML active validation suites enable you to see if a model is correct and complete immediately. It instantly displays any errors in the model and suggests appropriate solutions. The active validation suites have «activeValidationSuite» stereotype applied. You can meet the following active validation suites in the Validation dialog or Validation Suites dialog: - SysML_activeValSuite - Activities contains SysML constraints on the following elements: Discrete and noBuffer.
- SysML_activeValSuite - Blocks contains SysML constraints on the following elements: Binding Connector, Block, Distributed Property and Value Type.
- SysML_activeValSuite - Constraint Blocks contains SysML constraints on the following elements: Constraint Block and Constraint Property.
- SysML_activeValSuite - Non-normative Extensions contains SysML constraints on the following elements: nonStreaming, Streaming, Design Constraint, Functional Requirement, Interface Requirement and Performance Requirement.
- SysML_activeValSuite - Port and Flows contains SysML constraints on the following elements: Flow Port, Flow Property, Flow Specification and Item Flow.
- SysML_activeValSuite - Requirements contains SysML constraints on the following elements: Copy, Requirement and Test Case.
You can find active validation suites in the Containment tree when the Show Auxiliary Resources option is enabled, expand the MD Customization for SysML Package> SysML constraints Package > SysML activeValSuite package. The SysML activeValSuite Package is divided into separate Packages and contain an appropriate validation rules. 
Validating a project with active validation suitesTo manually validate project with active validation suites, you can select the specific Active ValSuite (mentioned above) as the Validation Suite in the Validation dialog. How to start the validation >>
