The Address tab is dedicated to adding, editing, or deleteing hyperlinks to webpages and other external resources.

The example of the Address tab in the Edit Hyperlink dialog. The text "units" links to the unit description in the NoMagic documentation.All boxes and buttons of the Address tab are described in the table below. Name | Description |
Text to display box | Shows the text that will be displayed as a hyperlink. If you select the text before opening this dialog, you will see that text in this box. If you change the displayed text in this box, it will be changed in the HTML text field too. If this field is empty, you can type a text and it will be added in the HTML text field. It is available only when adding a hyperlink on text. | Type the address box | Allows you to type or paste the hyperlink address. | Select from list box | Displays all previously used hyperlinks. You can select them to fill in the Type the address box. | | Opens the hyperlink in the web browser specified in the Text to display box. | The Clear button | Deletes all previously used hyperlinks from the Select from list box. | The Active check box | Activates the hyperlink if selected. It is available only when adding a hyperlink on element or entire diagram. Only one hyperlink can be active. By default the last added hyperlink is active. |