DescriptionThe Call Behavior Action invokes a Behavior directly rather than invoking a behavioral feature that, in turn, causes the Behavior. The argument values of the Action are available to the execution of the invoked Behavior. The execution of the Call Behavior Action waits until the execution of the invoked Behavior is completed and a result is returned on its Output Pin. In particular, the invoked Behavior can be an Activity. 
Assigning a Behavior to the Call Behavior ActionTo assign a Behavior to the Call Behavior Action, do one of the following
- On the Activity diagram palette, click
. An Activity will be created automatically on a Call Behavior Action creation. Open the Specification window of the Call Behavior Action, and click the cell of the Behavior property value. Then click and, in the opened dialog, select the Behavior. Click OK when you are finished. On the Activity diagram, right-click the Call Behavior Action shape. On the shortcut menu, click Behavior, and then click to select a Behavior that you wish to assign on the element. On the Activity diagram, click a Call Behavior Action shape, and then, on the smart manipulator toolbar, click . In the opened list, select the Behavior. On the Activity diagram, click a Call Behavior Action shape, and then press Ctrl+T. In the opened list, select the Behavior.
- On the diagram, click a Call Behavior Action shape, then click the name area. Type the “:” colon, and then type the existing Behavior name. Press Enter, or click anywhere on the diagram. The Behavior is created and assigned.
Type the “:” colon, then press Ctrl+Space or Ctrl+Backspace and then, in the opened list, select the Behavior. |
- Drag a Behavior from the Containment tree onto the Call Behavior Action shape on the diagram. The Behavior is assigned to the Call Behavior Action.
- Double click the Call Behavior Action with the assigned Behavior - the Behavior Specification window opens, or, if the assigned Behavior is a diagram, the diagram opens in the same diagram tab.
- The rake icon
is displayed on the shape if the Call Behavior Action refers to another Activity diagram. The rake icon is not shown by default, therefore, you need to set the Show Rake Icon property value to true in the Symbol Properties dialog. - A parameter is created automatically for each newly created Pin on the Call Behavior Action. The parameter’s name, type, direction, and multiplicity are synchronized with the Pin name, type, direction, and multiplicity.
Note that a parameter for a pin is created automatically if:- the Call Behavior Action has the Behavior assigned.
- the Behavior is editable.
- the Behavior has only one usage, and it is not used in another project (in server projects).
Creating a new diagram for the Call Behavior ActionTo create a new diagram for the Call Behavior Action, do one of the following
- On the Activity diagram, click the Call Behavior Action shape, and then, on the smart manipulator toolbar, click
.The new Activity diagram opens in the same diagram tab.
- The name of the new Activity diagram is the same as the name of the Call Behavior Action.
- If a Behavior was already assigned for the Call Behavior Action, a new Activity diagram under the Behavior will be created. This is valid if the Behavior is editable and the Behavior’s type is Activity.
- If Pin(s) are created on the Call Behavior Action, then the parameters for these Pins are created in a newly created activity. Pins are synchronized with the created parameters, i.e., the Pin name, type, and multiplicity are synchronized with the parameter name, type, and multiplicity.
- If parameters are created for a new Activity, then Activity parameter Nodes are created in a new Activity diagram and displayed on the Activity diagram frame.
On the Activity diagram, right-click the Call Behavior Action shape, point to Create Diagram, and then point to a diagram type.
Changing the Name Display Mode on the Call Behavior Action symbolTo change the Name Display Mode on the Call Behavior Action symbol
Right-click the Call Behavior Action and select the Symbol Properties command. In the Symbol Properties dialog, find the Name Display Mode property. Select one of the following value: - Show Action Name (default only for UPDM projects) - to show action name. - Show Behavior Name to show behavior name. - Show Both - to show action and behavior names. - Show Both or Behavior Name (default) - to show only the behavior name if the action name is not specified, or if the action name matches the behavior name.