The Containment tab displays model data grouped in logical sets. Using the Containment tab, you can quickly access each model element, change a model element specification, or create a new model element.  To open the Containment tab, do one of the following
The Containment tab consists of the following two components: 
The Containment tree includes
The Relations branch The UML Standard Profile The Hyperlinks branch The root package Model
The root package Model in the Containment tree is the top model element wherein the entire model structure is created. The root package Model represents the model element that is named Model. All model elements are stored in the root package Model. You can create the structure of your project by creating packages in the root package Model. This helps to distribute model elements into the logical groups. Along with model elements that are created by the user, the root package Model may contain the following default items: - The Relations branch. This branch appears when at least one relationship is created in the project. The Relations branch collects all relationships from the particular owner. For example, if the Relations branch is in the root package Model, that means, all relationships from the root package Model are listed in the Relations branch owned by the root package Model. The Relations branch can exist in other elements which may have inner elements and relations among these elements. For example, in packages, classes, and others.
The UML Standard Profile package. This is a profile which is included to every MagicDraw project. It contains a list of stereotypes, data types, and other elements from the UML 2 metamodel. By default, the UML Standard Profile is hidden. To display the UML Standard Profile, click the Show Auxiliary Resources button. There can be more standard profiles (such as, SysML, UPDM, Java, and others). We highly recommend not to modify our provided standard profiles and libraries as it could cause problems on version updates, plugins, core MagicDraw tool malfunctions, and model corruptions. |
- The File View package. This package appears when at least one code engineering set is created. The File View package contains components that are created on code reverse and represents source files.
- The Hyperlinks branch. This branch appears when at least one hyperlink is added to the particular element. The Hyperlinks branch contains the list of hyperlinks to the file, element/ symbol, or web page.
Code engineering sets
Code engineering is available in Professional, Architect, and Enterprise editions. |
Code engineering sets can be considered a gateway between your source code and model data. Using these sets, you can perform Java, C++, C#, IDL, CIL, CORBA IDL, EJB 2.0, and WSDL round-trip code engineering, that is, code generation and reverse engineering.
To display Code engineering sets
- In the Containment tab toolbar, click the Options
button, then click to select the Show Code Engineering Sets check box.
In Code engineering sets branch, you can create a new code engineering set, generate code, and perform other actions. Containment tab toolbar
The Containment tab toolbar contains the following buttons:
Button | Tooltip text | Description | | Collapse All | Collapse all of the currently elements in the Containment tree. | | Collapse Selected Recursively | Collapses only selected node and all subnodes in that node. | | Open in New Tab | Opens the contents of the selected element in a new tab of the Model Browser. | | Favorites | Opens the Favorites menu for choosing to do one of the following: - Add a selected element to favorites
- Open the dialog for managing favorites
- Navigate to a desired favorite in the Containment tree
| | Quick Find | Opens the Quick Find dialog. | | Options | Click to open the Options menu and then select: - Filter - opens the Items Filter dialog wherein you can select element types to be visible in the Containment tree.
- Show Auxiliary Resources - shows or hides modules and profiles that are used in your project.
- Show Applied Stereotypes - shows or hides the applied stereotypes next to the element name in the Containment tree.
- Show Full Types - shows or hides the full types of typed elements (for example, operations, attributes, relationships, and other) in the Containment tree.
- Show Code Engineering Sets - shows or hides the code engineering sets.
The same actions you may perform using the shortcut menu of the Containment tree.
Working with model elements in the Containment tree
You can work with elements in the Containment tree using the commands available from the selected element's shortcut menu. Particular actions are available for the particular elements. |
The shortcut menu contains the following commands: Command | Function | Create Element | Creates a new element inside the selected element.
This command is available if the selected element can be edited. |
| Create Diagram | Creates a new diagram inside the selected element. This command is available if the selected element can be edited. |
| Create Relation > Outgoing / Incoming | Creates a new relation to or from the selected element. | Open in New Tree | In the Model Browser, opens a new tab for the selected element. | Specification | Opens the element Specification window wherein you can specify various element properties. | Go To | Opens or selects the item associated with the selected element. The item may be diagram, model element, or hyperlink. | Refactor | Converts the selected element to the element indicated by a user. | Related Elements | Opens a list of functions available for the selected element. | Tools | Opens a list with tools that are available for the selected element. Depends on the selected element. | Stereotype | Opens the drop down list, wherein you can apply an existing stereotype, or create a new one. | Find | Opens the Find dialog. | Apply Profiles | Opens the list of the available to apply profiles. - This command is available in the package, model, and system boundary shortcut menu.
- To see this command you have to expand the shortcut menu, that is, click on the little arrow at the bottom of the shortcut menu.
| Modules | Opens the list with the commands for working with modules. - This command is available in the package, model, and system boundary shortcut menu.
- To display this command in the shortcut menu you have to expand the shortcut menu, that is, click on the little arrow at the bottom of the shortcut menu.
| Generate Code Framework | Generates code for the selected item. Opens the Message Window with the information. | Check Syntax | Checks syntax in the model according to the default code engineering language. Opens the Message Window with the information. | Generate Report | Opens the list of the available report templates. | Reverse from Classpath | This command is available in the class shortcut menu. |