The diagram below shows stereotypes of the C# profile. 
C# Stereotypes with Tag valuesNow our modeling tool`s C# Profile language properties is moved to tagged value in a specific stereotypes. Language properties were moved: - Class is extended with Stereotype «C#Class»
- Attribute is extended with Stereotype «C#Attribute»
- Operation is extended with Stereotype «C#Operation»
- The common information of the old language properties (Class, Attribute and Operation) is extended with Stereotype C#LanguageProperty
Here you will find description about:  C#Attribute «C#Attribute» is an invisible stereotype that is used to define C# attribute properties. This is used to store the language properties of the attribute in C#. Name | Meta class |
C#Attribute | Property | Tag | Type | Description |
container | String |
| fixed | Boolean | Represents the usage of Fixed Size Buffer unsafe struct A { public fixed int x[5]; } | readonly | Boolean | Represents the usage of read-only attribute Class A { public readonly int x; } | volatile | Boolean | Represents the usage of volatile attribute Class A { public volatile int x; } |
C#Class «C#Class» is a stereotype that is used to define property of C# class. This is used to store the language properties of the class in C#. Moreover this class is used for store the information about the static class too. Name | Meta class |
C#Class | Class | Tag | Type | Description |
Static | boolean | Represents the usage of static class static Class A { public int x; } |
C#Delegate «C#Delegate» is a stereotype that indicates that model class represents C# delegate. Name | Meta class |
C#Delegate | Class |
C#Element«C#Element» is a stereotype that is used to define properties of all element in model. Name | Meta class | Constraints |
C#Element | Element | This stereotype can be applied to all elements such as class, attribute, operation and parameter. | Tag | Type | Description |
externAlias | String | Represents the usage of extern alias extern alias X; class Test { X::N.A a; } | partial | String |
| C#Attributes | String | Represents C# attributes for element. | C#EnumerationLiteral «C#EnumeraltionLiteral» is a stereotype that is used to define enumeration. Name | Meta class |
C#EnumerationLiteral | EnumerationLiteral |
Tag | Type | Description |
C#Initializer | String | Represents enumeration member’s constant value. |
C#Event«C#Event» is a stereotype that is used to indicate that operation represents C# event. Name | Meta class |
C#Event | Operation | Tag | Type | Description |
C#AddAccessor | String | Adds add accessor for event | C#AddAttributes | String | Defines C# attributes for add accessor. | C#RemoveAccessor | String | Adds remove accessor for event | C#RemoveAttributes | String | Defines C# attributes for remove accessor. | C#Generic «C#Generic» is a stereotype that is used to define generic properties. Name | Meta class |
C#Generic | Class |
Tag | Type | Description |
type | generictype | Defines type for generic constraint parameter, class, struct, and new() |
C#Indexer «C#Indexer» is a stereotype that is used to indicate that operation represents C# indexer. Name | Meta class |
C#Indexer | Operation | Tag | Type | Description |
C#GetAccessor | String | Adds get accessor for indexer. | C#GetAttributes | String | Defines C# attributes for get accessor. | C#SetAccessor | String | Adds set accessor for indexer. | C#SetAttributes | String | Defines C# attributes for set accessor. | C#LanguageProperty «C#LanguageProperty» is the parent of «C#Class», «C#Attribute», and «C#Operation», So the «C#Class», «C#Attribute» and «C#Operation» also have it’s tag definition. Name | Meta class |
C#LanguageProperty | Element | Tag | Type | Description |
internal | boolean |
| new | boolean |
| unsafe | boolean | Represents the usage of unsafe element unsafe struct A { public fixed int x[5]; } | C#Operation «C#Operation» is a stereotype which is used to define properties of the operation. This is used to store the language properties of the operation in C#. Name | Meta class |
C#Operation | Operation | Tag | Type | Description |
conversion type | String |
| extern | boolean | Represent the usage of extern operation Class A { public extern int x(); } | initialization | String |
| override | boolean |
| partial | String |
| virtual | boolean |
| C#ExplicitInterface | Classifier | Defines C# explicit interface for explicit interface member implementation. | C#Operator «C#Operator» is a stereotype that is used to indicate that the operation represents C# operator. Name | Meta class |
C#Operator | Operation |
C#Parameter«C#Parameter» is a stereotype that is used to indicate that the element represents C#Parameter. Name | Meta class |
C#Parameter | Element |
C#Params«C#Params» is a stereotype that is used to indicate parameter arrays. Name | Meta class |
C#Params | Parameter |
Tag | Type |
extend | String | params | String |
C#Property«C#Property» is a stereotype that is used to indicate that the operation represents C# property. Name | Meta class |
C#Property | Operation | Tag | Type | Description |
C#GetAccessor | String | Adds get accessor for indexer. | C#GetAttributes | String | Defines C# attributes for get accessor. | C#SetAccessor | String | Adds set accessor for indexer. | C#SetAttributes | String | Defines C# attributes for set accessor. | C#Struct«C#Struct» is a stereotype that is used to indicate that the model class represents C# structure. Name | Meta class |
C#Struct | Class |
C#Using«C#Using» is a stereotype that is used to indicate that the usage dependency is C# Using directive. Name | Meta class | Constraints |
C#Using | Association, Realization, Usage | The clients of dependency are Component, and Namespace. |