The warning message, see the figure below, will open whenever a template contains any invalid syntax, such as using #forrow without #endrow.

Invalid Syntax Warning Message

Invalid Syntax Warning Message.

Enabling or Disabling Warning Messages

You can enable or disable any invalid properties, references, and exception messages except invalid syntax messages by editing the config.xml file and tags and values. Invalid syntax messages are always enabled.

Modifying config.xml

To modify the config.xml file

For example, to enable or disable a warning message of Class Specification Report you need to edit the config.xml file in the ...\plugins\com.nomagic.magicdraw.reportwizard\data\Class Specification Report folder.

Adding Tags and Values

A Tag for a Warning Message Type

The table below lists the Warning Message Types.

Warning Message Type Tag 
Invalid Property <> 
Invalid Reference<template.warn.invalid.reference>
Invalid Method Reference <template.warn.invalid.method>
Exception <template.warn.exception>

Set this boolean value to:

An example of how an Invalid Reference warning message of Class Specification Report can be enabled is shown in the figure below.

The Invalid Reference Warning Message Enabled through File config.xml