On this page 
Prerequisites- All projects must be committed.
- The projects' directory back up is created.
Manual update- Stop Teamwork Server.
- Deactivate the current license for the Teamwork Server.
- Remove Teamwork Server from services, if it was added.
Run the installation file. - If you need to restore the data, install a new Teamwork Server version into the new location.
- Under Choose Java Virtual Machine, select Use the Java VM installed with this application.
- Start the newly installed Teamwork Server. The Import Configuration dialog opens.
- In the Teamwork Server License Manager dialog, enter the license key.
- Remove the old Teamwork Server version.
Upgrading Teamwork Server manually without GUI- Stop Teamwork Server.
- Deactivate the current license for the Teamwork Server.
- For the Windows operating system, remove the Teamwork Server NT service, if it was added. Skip this step for other operating systems.
- Extract the MD_UML_<version number>_teamwork_server_no_installs.zip.
- Start the new Teamwork Server without GUI.
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