Lock-Free Model EditingLocking elements prior to modifying them is now a thing of the past with the introduction of the Lock-free model editing mode (a.k.a an optimistic locking). You can continue using locks if that is what suits your team’s needs best; however, the Lock-Free editing mode is a simple yet effective way to boost modeling productivity. To start using the Lock-free editing mode, first enable it in the project, after which you can work on model elements freely, without locking them. Consequently, there is no need to wait until locks are released by other users to work on the same or related parts of the model. If conflicting changes occur, you can handle them in the Conflicting Changes panel to prevent data loss. 
Handling conflicting changes in the Lock-free Editing modeLearn more about Lock-Free Editing mode >> Disconnected Team Collaboration UsabilityThe Disconnected team collaboration UI has been rebuilt from the ground up. The improved feature usability allows distributed teams working on the same server project to update it with the changes from the locally exported .mdzip file more conveniently and with a significantly reduced amount of manual steps. Not only can you now update projects without having the target ones open in the modeling tool, you can also manage used project changes more easily. Additionally, the newly-implemented smart branch selection algorithm ensures configuration-aware update of server projects and smoother project merging in the future. 
Updating a server project from a local .mdzip file Learn more about Disconnected Team Collaboration usability >> Further Merge Usability ImprovementsAlong with improved Merge usability and bug fixes, the 19.0 SP3 release adds adjustments to common ancestor calculation algorithm rules. As a consequence, subsequent project merging iterations can be carried out more effectively without the need to repeat previously made merge decisions. Learn more about Model Merge >> Other EnhancementsBack to top |