Need help? Send notifications of a problem, suggest improvements for our modeling tools, or ask about new features directly from the modeling tool. Simply choose Help > Report an Issue from the main menu. If the modeling tool stops responding, you can use the executable tools for analyzing and submitting the status of the process. To report an issue using an executable file, start the reportissue.exe file, located in <modeling tool installation directory>\bin. These reports help us address issues in a timely manner, as well as speeding up maintenance releases with fixes that are free of known defects. When reporting an issue directly from the modeling tool, information is automatically incorporated into a report. |
If the modeling tool is unable to load your file, and the file is non-confidential, please attach it to your submission. It will assist us when we analyze your issue. |
Reporting issues directly from the modeling toolWe strongly recommend submitting a report for any problem, suggestion, or question about new features directly from the modeling tool. Your report will create an issue in our Online Customer Support System.
To report an issue directly from the modeling tool
- On the Help menu, click Report an Issue. The Report an Issue dialog opens.
Report an Issue dialog in the modeling tool
Fill in your first and last name together with your email address. If you supply the email address you used when registering at, you will be able to track the status of your issue in our Online Customer Support System. If you used another email address, you will only receive email notifications of status changes. |
- Choose the product, issue type, and component.
Describe your issue. Please provide as much information as possible. Please note that we provide professional support for registered users with a valid No Magic Software Assurance Contract (SA). SA provides you with technical support, together with major software updates and maintenance releases, at no cost throughout the contract period. Issues are normally handled within one or two business days during regular business hours. |
In the Attachments tab, select files you would like to send together with your issue report: If you are a registered user, track your issue at
If you are already registered, your personal information will be automatically filled in on the Report an Issue dialog. |
Report an issue when the program is unresponsive
- If the modeling tool becomes unresponsive, a separately executable tool is provided for analyzing the status of the process to aid in bug submission. In these situations, manually start the submit_issue.exe file (located in the <modeling tool installation directory>\bin folder) and follow directions. After you start submit_issue.exe, the Report an Issue dialog opens.

The Report an Issue dialog in an online mode- If the Out Of Memory error occurs when running the program, start submit_issue.exe and then click the Dump Memory Heap button in the bottom-left corner of the Report an Issue dialog to generate a memory heap file. You need to submit this file to customer support to get further assistance regarding the encountered memory issue.
Report an issue in the offline modeIf there is no Internet connection (or the version of the product you use does not allow sending data out), the Report an Issue window does not appear. Instead, a new offline mode dialog is displayed: 
The Report an Issue dialog in the offline mode- Connect to a Proxy Server - try to reconnect to the Internet by entering the Proxy server details.
- Dump Threads to Log File - threads will be dumped to a Log file.
- Dump Memory Heap to File - memory heap will be dumped to a new .hprof file.
Reporting Issues Through EmailThe e-mail address for registered users to access our customer support system is The system allows you to include keywords in the email’s subject line. These keywords will enable us to route the issue to the proper support organization more quickly and resolve the issue in a more timely manner. They also allow the definition of many fields for the newly created issue (reporter, project, priority, affected components, affected version). Support Issues can only be reported or commented on from the email address registered in your account. |
The parameters are listed below:
For example, if you have a question about documentation in UPDM, you might submit the following email: 
This email sent from the registered user will create a support issue in the UPDM project. The Issue’s component will be Documentation and Requirements Management and its severity will be low. |
- Parameters should be listed in the email subject line with a single space between them.
- No commas should be used between parameters.
- No spaces should be used in the body of the parameter.
- If a parameter value contains spaces, you must replace each space with two underscore characters. For instance, #COMPONENT=Test__Component associates the issue to Test Component. If you specify an invalid component or none at all, the issue is associated to No Component by default.
Emailing support requests can be faster compared to the web interface; however, when reporting issues through email, additional important information might be lost. This information loss can be mitigated by including parameters from the list above. If an email has email addresses in either the CC: or the BCC: fields, they will be added to the support issue as External Watchers. All watchers receive email notifications about any activity on the issue. Support issues that are marked private are not viewable within the support system, even if you are listed as an external watcher. Non-registered users also will be unable to see issues within the support system. |
Commenting on a Support IssueTo comment on an existing support issue, please reply to the notification email. The body of the email will become your comment on the issue. If you send attachments with your email, they will become attachments on the issue. It is important that the issue id (e.g. [MDUMLCS-2058]) exists in the subject line. |
If a commenter is not registered in, his or her comment is not recorded in the support issue. |
View and Submit Internal Errors message appears at the bottom of the modeling tool. 
Example of Internal Error message in MagicDraw modeling toolTo view internal errors
To view internal errors you must open the Internal Errors dialog, using one of the three methods outlined below: - Click the View and Submit Internal Errors button in the Notification Window.
- From the Help main menu, choose the View and Submit Internal Errors command.
- Click the notification icon on the status bar.
The View and Submit Internal Errors buttons in the Help main menu and the red button at the bottom of the status bar only exist if the Submit Errors dialog actually contains errors. |
To submit an error
- Open the Internal Errors dialog.
- Click the Submit button in the Internal Errors dialog box. The Submit Error dialog appears.
- Fill in Your name, Your e-mail and Bug description fields and click the Send button.
The error will be sent to the support team. Submitted internal errors will not be shown for 24 hours (or until you restart your modeling tool) after clicking the Submit or Clear And Close buttons.
To allow automatic internal errors submission
- From Options menu, select Environment. The Environment Options dialog will open.
- Click on the General options group Internal Errors.
- To allow automatic internal errors submission: in the Internal Errors options list, change the Automatically Submit Internal Errors value to true.
If you set the Automatically Submit Internal Errors value to false in the Environment Options dialog, the Question dialog shown below appears when closing the error notification or before the Internal Errors dialog opens. - Select Attach the log file check box to attach the log file for Submitting Internal Errors,
- To automatically submit internal errors to No Magic, click Yes.

To attach the log file when automatically submitting Internal Errors to No Magic
- From the Options menu, select Environment. The Environment options dialog will open.
In the General options group, click Internal Errors. - To attach the log file, in the Internal Errors options list, change the Attach Log File Submitting Internal Errors option value to true.
To Display Internal Errors
- From the Options menu, select Environment. The Environment options dialog will open.
- In the General options group, click Internal Errors.
- In the Internal Errors options list change the Display Internal Errors option value to true to display internal errors.
You can see the submitted internal errors status in the Background Task Manager at the bottom right corner of the modeling tool window. Click the Background tasks icon to see the status. - During the submission process, the status will be submitting.
- If the submission process was successful, the status will be submitted automatically.
- the status will be automatic submission failed, and the automatic submission will resubmit errors a maximum of 5 times (every 10 minutes). Otherwise, you can submit internal errors manually using the dialog Report an Issue.