Since UPDM 2 profile elements were removed, the Element Type of matrices, tables, and relation maps becomes empty after the migration. The same goes for the customized elements derived from the removed UPDM2 elements. If the UPDM2 element is migrated to the UAF element, the UAF element is set as an Element Type (criteria).

If Operational Event Trace, Resource Event Trace, Service Interaction was set as an Element Type criteria, after the migration an Interaction replaces those elements.

After the migration from UPDM 2 to UAF, some tags are no longer supported. During the migration process, all the information from those tags is moved to the To Do property of the tag owner. To find this property, open the appropriate element's Specification window. You can display the tag information in the note, anchored to the element.

Removed tag added to ToDo property

Condition::conditionKind tag was removed, so after the migration it will be added into ToDo property in the Specification window of the Condition element.