Description The NATO Operational Rule Model specifies operational or business rules that are constraints on an enterprise, a mission, operation, business, or an architecture. While other NOV views (for example, NOV-1, NOV-2, and NOV5) describe the structure of a business—what the business can do—for the most part, they do not describe what the business must do, or what it cannot do. At the mission level, an NOV-6a may consist of doctrine, guidance, rules of engagement, and so forth. At the operation level, rules may include such things as a military Operational Plan (OPLAN). At lower levels, an NOV-6a describes the rules under which the architecture or its nodes behave under specified conditions. Such rules can be expressed in a textual form, for example, “If (these conditions) exist, and (this event) occurs, then (perform these actions).” At a top level, rules should at least embody the concepts of operations defined in an NOV-1, and should provide guidelines for the development and definition of more detailed rules and behavioral definitions that will occur later in the architecture definition process. Implementation NOV-6a can be represented using: Sample 
NOV-6a Operational Rule ModelRelated views An NOV-6a constrains the structure elements of NOV-1, NOV-2, and NOV-5. NOV-6a can also be used to extend the capture of business requirements by constraining the structure and validity of the NOV-7 elements. As the View name implies, the rules captured in an NOV-6a are operational (for example, mission-oriented) whereas resource-oriented rules are defined in an NSV-10 (NOV-6 is the “what” to NSV-10’s “how”). |