Creating StV-5 typical tableThe context of the StV-5 typical table is the Actual Enterprise phase. The Actual Enterprise Phase can have Start and End dates defined. Those dates can be reused for deploying Resources. The Enterprise Phase element is related to the StV-5 view. 
The content of the StV-5 typical table are Resources used by Actual Responsible Resources (Actual Organizations, Actual Posts, and Actual Persons) to realize Capabilities in a particular time period of the enterprise. The rows of the StV-5 typical table are Actual Responsible Resources, and columns are Capabilities. Actual Enterprise Phase and Capability are related using the Exhibits relationship when the Capability is added as a table column. Resources are related to Capabilities using the Exhibits relationship when the table cell is filled. Deploy the Resources that are necessary for the Actual Responsible Resource to accomplish the selected Capability. Actual Responsible Resources are related to Actual Project Milestones (In Service and Out Of Service) using the Responsible For relationship. Resources are set as the versionReleased for In Service Milestone and versionWithdrawn for Out of Service Milestone. 
The Responsible For relationship is created in the model when the table cell is filled with Resources. There can be one or more Resources related to the Actual Organizational Resource. The VerionReleased Milestone defines the time when the Resource is started to use. The VersionWithdrawn Milestone defines the time when the Resource is no longer used. We recommend using the timeframe from the Actual Enterprise Phase.
To work with the StV-5 typical table
- Create a StV-5 typical table.
- Add Actual Organizational Resources as rows in the table.
- Add Capabilities as columns in the table.
- Add Resources in table cells as content in the table.
Create a StV-5 typical table
To create an empty StV-5 typical table
- Do one of the following:
- Right-click a StV-5 package as the diagram owner and select Create Diagram > StV-5 Capability to Organization Deployment Mapping (typical).
- Right-click an Actual Enterprise Phase and select Create Diagram > StV-5 Capability to Organization Deployment Mapping (typical).
- The Actual Resources Deployment Creation Wizard opens. Follow the steps of the wizard.
Add Actual Organizational Resources as rows in the table
To add Actual Organizational Resources as rows in the table
- Click the Add Rows button.
- In the Select Actual Organizational Resources dialog, choose Actual Organizational Resources.
- Click OK when you are done.
Add Capabilities as columns in the table
To add Capabilities as table columns
- Click the Add/ Remove Columns button.
- In the Select Capabilities dialog, choose Capabilities.
Click OK when you are done. An Exhibits relationship between the context element (Actual Enterprise Phase) and an added Capability is added in the model. |
Add Resources in table cells as content in the table
To add Resources in table cells as content in the table
- Click the cell wherein you want to add a Resource.
- Click the + button that appears at the right of the selected cell.
- In the Typical Resources Deployment Wizard, select Resources and specify In Service and Out Of Serice dates for them.
Click Finish when you are done. - The Exhibits relationship is created between Resource and Capability.
- The Actual Project Milestones are created. If the milestone with the same chosen dates already exists, it is reused.
- versionReleased and versionWithdrawn tags are filled.
- Responsible For relationship is created between Actual Resource and milestones.
Removing Capabilities from a StV-5 typical tableTo remove Capabilities from a StV-5 typical table
- In the table toolbar, click the Add/ Remove Columns button.
- In the Select Capability dialog, choose Capabilities to remove them from a table.
Click OK when you are done. - Capabilities are removed only from the table. They are not removed from the model.
- An Exhibits relationship between the context element and a removed Capability is removed from the model.
- If you have more StV-5 typical tables where the same Actual Enterprise Phase and Capability are used, then removing the Exhibits relationship, the Capability is removed from other diagrams as well.
To hide Capabilities in a StV-5 typical table
- In the table toolbar, click Columns.
- In the open menu, click the Capabilities you want to hide.
Removing Resources from a StV-5 typical tableTo remove the deployment of the Resources from a StV-5 typical table
- Double-click the cell you want to edit.
Select a Resource and click the - button. The Resource is no longer deployed for the particular Actual Responsible Resource, but it is not removed from the model. |
Removing rows from the tableTo remove a row from the table
- Select a row you want to remove.
In the table toolbar, click Remove From Table. The row is only hidden from the table. The deployment is not removed. |
Generating a reportThere is a predefined report for the StV-5 typical table.
To generate the report
- In the table toolbar, click Report.
- Select the location and type the name for the report file.
- Click Generate.