Description The forecast for evolutionary changes in the standards needs to be correlated against the time periods mentioned in the SV-8 and SV-9 views. A Standards Forecast is a detailed description of emerging standards relevant to the systems and business processes covered by the architecture. The forecast should be tailored to focus on areas that are related to the purpose for which a given architecture description is being built, and should identify issues that will affect the architecture. A TV-2 complements and expands on the Standards Profile (TV-1) product and should be used when more than one emerging standard time-period is applicable to the architecture. For standards advice refer to the JSP 602 series of documents. One of the prime purposes of this Product is to identify critical technology standards, their fragility, and the impact of these standards on the future development and maintainability of the Architecture and its constituent elements. Implementation TV-2 can be represented using a TV-2 table. Sample 
TV-2 Standards ForecastRelated views A TV-2 delineates the standards that will potentially impact the relevant system elements (from SV-1, SV-2, SV-4, SV-6, and OV-7) and relates them to the time periods that are listed in the SV-8 and SV-9. A system’s evolution, specified in the SV-8, may be tied to a future standard listed in the TV-2. A timed technology forecast from the SV9 is related to a TV-2 standards forecast in the following manner: a certain technology may be dependent on a TV2 standard (for example, a standard listed in TV-2 may not be adopted until a certain technology becomes available). |