Creating a diagramTo create an Operational Taxonomy diagram
- In the Containment Tree, select the Operational Taxonomy and do one of the following:
- From the selected package's shortcut menu, select Create Diagram > Operational Taxonomy.
 - In the modeling tool's main menu, click Create Diagram, search for Operational Taxonomy and select it.
- Name a diagram or leave it with the default name.
Creating an elementWhen the diagram is created, you can start creating the appropriate elements. An example is described using Operational Performer element, but the same is valid for other elements.
To create an Operational Performer in a diagram
- In the diagram palette, click the Operational Performer and then click the appropriate place on the diagram pane.
 - Name the element.
To create an Operational Performer in a Containment tree
- In the Containment tree, right click the Operational Taxonomy package and from the shortcut menu, select Create Element. Search for the Operational Performer and select it.
 - Name the element.
- Drag the created element from the Containment tree to the diagram pane.

To create the elements from other resources (e.g. Word, Excel, HTML)
- Copy a list in your resource.
- In a diagram, press Ctrl+V and from the Paste Special dialog, choose Element.
- From the Select Type dialog, choose Operational Performer (or other appropriate element).
Connect the Operational PerformersWhen you have Operational Performer created, you can start connecting them using the Generalization relationship.
To connect the elements with the Generalization relationship
- Select an element from which the Generalization will be drawn.
From the smart manipulator, which appears after you select the element, choose Generalization.
You can also select the Generalization relationship from the diagram palette.
- Move the mouse pointer over the target element and click to finish the action.

If there is a need, you can make the Generalization target element abstract.
To make an element abstract
- Select an element and open its Specification window.
- Make sure that All is chosen for Properties.
- Search for Is Abstract and set it to true.

To view the inherited properties
- Select an element and open its Specification window.
- Click Attributes, Properties, or Relations property group.
- An Operational Taxonomy view also allows you to show mappings among Capabilities and Operational Performers, Physical Location requirements, and Services provided or requested by Operational Performers.
- The structure of each Operational Performer can be modeled using the Operational Internal Connectivity diagram.