Button | Shortcut keys | Description |
Navigation toolbar |
| Alt+B | Click the Containment tree to select the element of the selected row. |
Edit toolbar |
| Insert | |
Add Existing
| Ctrl+Insert | Click to add an element from a model. The Select Element dialog opens. Only elements of the type defined in a specific table will be listed. In Instance Table, expand to find this button. |
| Ctrl+D | Click to remove selected elements both from the table and the model. In Instance Table, expand to find this button. |
Remove From Table
| Ctrl+Delete | Click to remove only selected elements from the table. In Instance Table, expand to find this button. |
Layout toolbar |
| Click to expand or collapse rows when the Display Mode under the Options button is selected as Compact tree or Complete tree. You may expand the command and select: - Expand Selected Recursively - to expand the selected row recursively.
- Expand All - to expand all rows.
- Collapse Selected Recursively - to collapse the selected row recursively.
- Collapse All - to collapse all rows.
| Ctrl+Up Arrow | Click to shift selected elements (either grouped or non-grouped) up a row. The elements are automatically renumbered after moving. |
| Ctrl+Down Arrow | Click to shift selected elements (either grouped or non-grouped) down a row. The elements are automatically renumbered after moving. |
Show Columns / Columns
| N/A | Click to change the set of columns to show on the table. In Instance and Metric tables, this button is called Columns. In Generic and Glossary tables, this button is called Show Columns. |
Publish toolbar |
| N/A | Click to export the contents of the table to an *.html, *.csv, or *.xlsx file. In the Metric Table this button also allows you export to *.xlsm file. |
Excel/CSV Sync
| N/A | Click to open the Excel/CSV Sync menu: - Excel/CSV File - contains three commands:
- Select File - opens the Excel/CSV Sync Options dialog and allows you to select a file from you file system or from your model to link it with modeling tool table and enable data syncing. - Clear Selection - removes the reference between modeling tool table and linked file and syncing is turned off. - Open File - opens the linked file. - Read from File - imports data from Excel/CSV file to modeling tool table.
- Write to File - exports data from modeling tool table to Excel/CSV file.
- Sync Options - opens the Excel/CSV Sync Options dialog and allows you to customize sync and mapping options before syncing data between Excel/CSV file and modeling tool table.
Find in Diagram |
Find in Diagram
| Ctrl+F | Click to open the search bar allowing to search for textual information in all types of diagrams, including tables, matrices and maps. Use / to navigate the search results. |
View toolbar |
| N/A | Click to update the contents of the table after specifying the scope. In the Instance Table, this button updates data after specifying the smart package as the scope criteria. |
| Ctrl+W | Click to fit the table in the active window size. |
| Ctrl+Slash Ctrl+NumPad/ | Click to show the actual size of the table. |
| Ctrl+Plus Ctrl+NumPad+ Ctrl+Equals | Click to enlarge the table maintaining aspect ratio. |
| Ctrl+Minus Ctrl+NumPad- | Click to reduce the table maintaining aspect ratio. |
| N/A | Click to show the size ratio. Click to select the size ratio from the percentage list or enter the value. |
Validation toolbar |
| N/A | Click to validate the table against all validation rules stored in the model, except those that are ignored. |
Options toolbar |
| N/A | Click to open the Options menu. Each table contains different options under this button. Below are the meanings of all available options: - Show Full Paths – displays the full paths of elements (where owner information can be displayed).
- Save Filter Criteria – keeps the filter criteria unchanged after reloading the project or after restarting MagicDraw.
- Show Detailed Column Name – in a generic table, shows property group and/or stereotype names in the table header. This is helpful when the table displays several columns with the same name. In a metric table, it shows the names of metric suites in column headers but it works when the metric table represents the metrics of two or more metric suites. In an instance table, it shows classifier names in column headers.
- Strip Multiline Text – strips the text that covers more than five rows. Three dots will be added at the end of the stripped text.
- Show Column Type – in a metric table, shows types of metric and parameter values in column headers. For example, Blocks Count : Integer. In an instance table, it shows types of slot values in column headers. For example, Year : Integer or Boat.Beam : String.
- Show Column Icons - shows icons in the column headers
- Show Abbreviation in Column Type – in a metric table, shows abbreviations of metric or parameter names in column headers, if they are specified.
- Show Units on Values - in an instance table, shows unit symbols next to values.
- Show Units on Columns - in an instance table, it shows unit symbols in column headers.
- Display Mode - allows selection of one of the following data visualization options:
- Complete tree - displays elements hierarchically with all their owners in the column header. - Compact tree - displays elements hierarchically with their direct and common owners in the column header. - List - displays elements in plain list. - Use Acronyms - recognizes acronyms everywhere in the text. Only capitalized terms are recognized as acronyms. Lowercase words are not interpreted as acronyms.
- Specification– opens the Specification window of an appropriate table.
Suppress/Expand Criteria Area toolbar |
| N/A | Click to hide the Criteria area. |
| N/A | Click to show the Criteria area. |
Other buttons |
| Alt+Left Arrow | Click to navigate to the previously opened diagram, table, dependency matrix, or relation map. |
| Alt+Right Arrow | Click to navigate to the previously opened diagram, table, dependency matrix, or relation map. |