The IRIs of classes and properties may not be visible in the diagram pane. You can display them by using the shortcut menu Display IRI tagged value. To hide the IRIs from the diagram pane, you can select the shortcut menu Hide IRI tagged value.

To display or hide the IRI tagged value of a class or an association end in the diagram pane:

  1. Right-click on a class or an association end in the diagram pane.
  2. Select Concept Modeling, and select either Display IRI tagged value or Hide IRI tagged value.
    Figure 1: The Display IRI tagged value shortcut menu.

Figure 2: The Hide IRI tagged value shortcut menu.

To display or hide the IRI tagged values of all classes or association ends in the diagram pane:

  1. On the main menu, click Edit > Select All. All of the elements in the diagram pane will be selected.
  2. Right-click on any element.
  3. Select Concept Modeling, and select either Display IRI tagged value or Hide IRI tagged value.


  • The menu Display IRI tagged value will appear when you right-click on an element whose IRI is hidden from the diagram pane.
  • The menu Hide IRI tagged value will appear when you right-click on an element whose IRI is displayed in the diagram pane. 

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