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You can use the shortcut menu Edit subproperty chain to edit a property chain, and to add, remove, or reorder properties in a chain in the Specification window.

To edit a property chain:

  1. Right-click a property chain in the diagram pane.

    Figure 1: The Edit subproperty chain shortcut menu to edit a property chain.
  2. Select Concept Modeling > Edit subproperty chain. The Specification dialog of the property will open showing the property chain in the Tags section.

    Figure 2: The Specification window of the property "has uncle".
  3. Click the tagged value, e.g., chain = has father, has brother.
  4. Click . The Specification of Slot < > window will open.
    Figure 3: Editing the property chain in the Specification window.
  5. Click Value and click the properties box next to it.
  6. You can click:
     to add a property to the chain.

     to delete a selected property from the chain.

     to order the properties in the chain.

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