Maps to a UML Attribute with the stereotype XSDminExclusive. The name and type of such an attribute do not make sense.

  • value – to Attribute initial value.
minExclusive XML representation summary
	fixed = boolean : false
	id = ID
	value = anySimpleType
	{any attributes with non-schema namespace…}> 
	Content: (annotation?)
{value} must be in the value space of {base type definition}.

minExclusive XML code sample
The following is the definition of a user-derived datatype which limits values to integers greater than or equal to 100, using minExclusive.
<simpleType name= 'more- than-ninety-nine'>
	<restriction base= 'integer'>
<minExclusive value= '99'/>
Note that the value space of this datatype is identical to the previous one (named 'one-­hundred-or-more').