When you work with very large models or use a lot of diagrams at a time, the performance of MagicDraw may become slow. To increase the efficiency of modeling, we suggest the following solutions:
- Increase a java heap size.
- Do not keep unused diagrams open. Open the project without loading diagrams. Your projects will be opened over a shorter period of time without opening a diagram as well as use less memory.
- Increase an active validation period. MagicDraw takes less memory with an increased active validations period.
- Split the project to read-only modules. Keep read-only modules not loaded. This may help only if your project contains several parts with minimal dependencies between them.
- Use Garbage Collector to free unused memory.
- Turn off the antivirus. Some antivirus software can cause significant performance decrease on project open and other actions.
For more information, see "MagicDraw User Manual" > "Performance Improvement" section. Manual is available in < MagicDraw installation directory > \manual\