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DSLS (Dassault Systèmes License Server) is a licensing system developed by Dassault Systèmes that provides such benefits as:

  • License usage statistics, debugging, and simple UI to administer and view statistics.
  • Licenses are bound to expiration date rather than product version.
  • Nodelock, floating, and managed licensing options.

DSLS and modeling tools compatibility

You must choose the DSLS version compatible with the modeling tool version you use.

Modeling toolDSLS versionCompatible
2024xR2024x  (tick)

* To run DSLS 2024x licensing on Linux, glibc 3.4.20 (at a minimum) is required.

**IMPORTANT. To use modeling tools with DSLS licenses, Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable must be installed (see Latest supported Visual C++ Redistributable downloads). This applies to Windows OS only.

DSLS hosting restrictions

  • DSLS servers can only be hosted on physical computers (with the exception of using HyperV virtualization; see the Installation Guide).

DSLS licensing client-side main limitations

Supported license types

  • Client on a physical machine - floating (online), floating (offline/borrowed), nodelock.
  • Client on a virtual machine - floating (online).
  • Offline (borrowed) licenses are not supported on macOS/Linux.

More information can be found in the DSLS server Installation Guide.

Product trigrams

With DSLS, product licenses are checked out using trigrams instead of the full product name. To know the specific trigrams denoting each product, see the Product trigrams page.   

Three-Server Redundancy - Triad License Server

The Three-Server Redundancy - Triad License Server is supported for DSLS licenses. Using the three-server redundancy capability, all three license servers operate to form a triad. The license servers send periodic messages to each other to make sure that at least two servers are running and communicating. A quorum is formed when at least two of the three license servers are running and communicating with each other. Learn more about using DSLS triad license server >>>

Detailed licensing information

3DS DSLS installation guide and software keys