3DS Media lists

The topics below contain detailed lists of all the contents of the installation bundles for specific product versions, along with respective file locations.

The following list is not a full list of our product releases and the topics in the list do not contain links to software downloads. Use the topics below as a guide when you are not sure which installation bundle to download.

 How to download your software

The installation files for versions 2021x and later are available on the 3DS software download page https://www.3ds.com/support/download/.

If you do not have access to the 3DS software download page, please contact your sales representative.

To access your download page

  1. Login to https://software.3ds.com/ with your 3DEXPERIENCE ID. By default, you will be redirected to Download My Supported Software .
  2. Select CATIA brand.
  3. Select No Magic product line.
  4. Select Release (e.g. major version) and Level (e.g service pack).
  5. Browse for required media files and click Show details.

    To find out the content of the volumes, refer to the 3DS Media list page.

  6. Click the download button or select the required volume file to start the download.

If you have No Magic login credentials, you can access the installation files, including the FlexNet license server utilities as well as the Demo and Reader versions of the modeling tool, at nomagic.com.

To proceed, click .