After you finish editing the model, you must commit the changes to the server so that other team members can find the changes when editing other parts of the model. When you commit the changes, new data from your client application (for example, MagicDraw or a Cameo Suite product, such as Cameo Systems Modeler) is merged with the project on the server repository. As a result, a new version of the project is created. Other team members must update their projects from the server to see the committed changes.
You can choose to release or keep the locks on the model when committing changes. If you are going to proceed with editing after committing, keep the locks.
Any new elements added to the parent scope are given a unique name when placed among elements of the same type.
Each new project version is created and saved to the server.
To commit a new project or changes in a project
- From the Collaborate menu, select Commit Changes To Server, or press Ctrl+K. The Commit Project to the Server dialog opens.
If you need to describe the changes you are going to commit, type a comment in the open dialog.
You can select a comment from the recently used comments list. Simply click the Choose Comment button
above the Comment box, and select any comment from the list in the Choose Comment dialog.
If you want to keep locks on the model and continue editing after committing, select the Keep locks check box.
The Keep locks check box remembers the last choice of the user. Thus, if you want to release the locks every time when committing changes, it is not necessary to unselect this check box each time you commit, once you make your choice during the first commit.
If you want to tag the new project version (i.e., add a tag approved), do the following:
Click Options. The Version Tags tab appears on the Commit Project to the Server dialog.
Click the Add button.
In the open dialog, type a text and click OK.
5. In the Commit Project to the Server dialog, click Commit
6. Wait while the new project version containing the committed changes is sent to the Teamwork Server repository.