com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.project.ProjectDescriptor represents a project (or a used project) as a resource for storing and loading. The same project can have multiple ProjectDescriptors.
There are two types of ProjectDescriptors:
- A local project descriptor. It represents a local ordinary project. A descriptor can be created for a project or file object.
- A remote project descriptor. It represents a project stored in the server.
A server project has both descriptors (local and remote) because it can be saved locally.
Every ProjectDescriptor provides the following properties:
- URI. The location is a specific java.lang.String value that holds all information that is needed to access a project.
- Representation String. A string used for a project identification in the user interface (GUI).
- Remote flag. The remote flag indicates if the project descriptor represents a server project.
com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.project.ProjectDescriptorsFactory can create an appropriate ProjectDescriptor object,
com.nomagic.magicdraw.teamwork.application.TeamworkUtils helps to find an existing Teamwork Server (remote) project descriptors.