If you need to open a model of a different format or created with another UML tool, you have to import it to MagicDraw instead of simply opening it. MagicDraw allows importing projects from the following file formats:
- Another .mdzip project
- Excel/CSV File
- UML 2.1/2.5 XMI File
- MagicDraw Native XML File
- MOF XMI File
- CA ERwin Data Modeler v7.x
- Requirements Interchange Format (ReqIF) File
- OWL Ontology File
- Eclipse UML2 (v2.x, v3.x, v4.x, v5.x) XMI file
- XPDL File
- FMU File
- Simulink File
- Modelica Library
Enterprise Architect UML 2.1 XMI 2.1 File. Data can be imported from an Enterprise Architect 7.1, 7.5, or 8.0 file.
Please note that Enterprise Architect does not export 100% standard UML 2.1 XMI, and this causes some data loss during the import.
- Use Cameo Inter-Op to import data from the following products:
- IBM Rational Rhapsody 7.6 or higher
- IBM Rational System Architect 10.4 or higher
System Architect DoDAF 1.5
System Architect DoDAF 2.0
Rhapsody SysML
UML diagrams from Microsoft Visio using XMI files.
Microsoft Visio 2007 and earlier requires extra add-ons for exporting UML model to XMI files.
To import an external model
- Select File > Import From.
- Select a file format you want to import a model from.