If you applied the «validationRule» stereotype to the Constraint element, you must specify the following validation rule properties in its Specification window: Abbreviation, Error Message, and Severity. To specify the validation rule properties Specify the following properties: Abbreviation. Select the Abbreviation property value box, click Error Message. Select the Error Message property value box, click If you need to define the variable error message, you can embed expressions directly in the Error Message value box by using curly brackets - {}. Everything between them is treated as an expression and evaluated for each validation result. Expressions are treated as OCL2.0 expressions by default, but you can also use binary expressions: {bin: <binary expression>}. For example, in the following error message the budget is calculated according to variables. The result of the expression is provided as number in the Validation Results panel, e.g. Budget not balanced - overbudget by $500. You can insert a hyperlink. Learn more about defining hyperlinks >> fatal - for critical errors such as model corruption or model is invalid according to the UML metamodel. This severity level is mostly reserved for future use. The icons on invalid elements in the model depend on the selected severity level described above. Learn more about invalid elements representation >> You can customize severity levels. How to customize severity levels >>Budget not balanced - overbudget by {
ResearchProject::allInstances().budget->sum() -
The validation rule properties are specified.