In order to get the dependencies between row and column elements in the dependency matrix, components of the com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.datamodel.cell.DependencyExtractor interface are used. These components allow to

  • Define custom dependencies that can be created in a cell.
  • Add shortcut menu commands for navigation (other than opening the Specification window of the element and selecting the element in the Containment tree).
  • Construct smart listener configurations that define cases when some element dependencies should be updated instantly (without the full rebuild of the matrix).

Use the com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.configuration.DependencyMatrixConfigurator.configureDependencyHandlers(java.util.Collection<DependencyExtractor>, java.util.Collection<DependencyEditor>) method to register a custom dependency extractor. The method can remove the default dependency extractor from the collection and leave only a custom extractor.

The most important method is com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.datamodel.cell.DependencyExtractor.getDependencies(ElementNode, ElementNode). It is called to add dependencies in the matrix cell. By using custom algorithms you can create additional instances of the com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.datamodel.cell.DependencyEntry class for each cell.

Configuring the shortcut menu of a cell

All commands of the shortcut menu of a cell, are available only from the components of the com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.datamodel.editing.DependencyEditor interface. These components allow for

  • Defining if new dependency can be created in the cell.
  • Defining if current cell value can be edited.
  • Adding custom actions for creating or editing dependencies.

Use the DependencyMatrixConfigurator.configureDependencyHandlers(java.util.Collection<DependencyExtractor>, java.util.Collection<DependencyEditor>) method to register a custom dependency editor. The method implementation can remove the default dependency editor from the collection and leave only a custom editor.

Dependency matrix cells with the default renderer can be displayed either as editable or as read-only. If it is possible to create or delete at least one dependency in the cell, the cell is displayed as editable, that is, the cell's background is white.

When adding a new command, the DependencyEditor.canCreate(PersistenceManager, ElementNode, ElemenNode, AbstractMatrixCell) method is first called and if it returns true, the DependencyEditor.createAddActions(PersistenceManager, ElementNode, ElementNode, AbstractMatrixCell, ActionsCategory, ActionsCategory, ActionsCategory) method is called to add the command.

When editing a command, the DependencyEditor.canEdit(PersistenceManager, ElementNode, ElementNode, AbstractMatrixCell) method is first called and if it returns true, the DependencyEditor.createEditActions(PersistenceManager, ElementNode, ElementNode, AbstractMatrixCell, ActionsCategory, ActionsCategory) method is called to edit the command.



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