An Information Flow specifies that one or more information items circulate from its sources to its targets. Information flows require an “information channel” for transmitting information items from the source to the destination.

An information channel is represented in various ways, depending on the nature of its sources and targets. It can be represented by connectors, links, associations, or dependencies. For example, if the source and destination are parts in composite structure diagrams such as a collaboration, the information channel is likely to be represented by a connector between them. Or, if the source and target are objects (which are a kind of Instance Specification), they can be represented by a link that joins the two, and so on. The Information Flow and the information item notation are added. You can draw them using the Information Flows toolbar in the Class diagram or Composite Structure diagram.

Setting an Information Flow

Information Flows can be set on Associations in the Class Diagram and on Connectors in the Composite Structure Diagrams.

To set an Information Flow

  1. Create an Association (Connector) relationship between Classes (Parts). 

    Make sure the properties for displaying a Conveyed Information on relationships are selected.

    To display Conveyed Information:

    1. Right-click the Association (Connector) and choose the Symbol Properties command.
    2. In the open dialog, change the properties display mode to Expert or All.
    3. Set the Show Conveyed Information A and Show Conveyed Information B  check boxes to true.
  2. Specify a Conveyed Information in the following ways:
    - Drag the Class or Information Item on an Association (Connector) or Information Flow and select the Set as Conveyed Information command.
    - Select an Association (Connector) relationship and from the smart manipulator toolbar click New Conveyed Information.
    - In the diagram palette, select the needed Conveyed Information (e.g., Class) and drag it onto the Information Flow on the diagram pane.

  3. In the New Conveyed Information dialog, specify Conveyed Information, Information Flow, Direction and click OK.

    Conveyed information

    One Information Flow may have several Conveyed Information items.

    An Information Flow is set.

Changing the arrow notation visibility

You can choose whether you want to hide the arrow notation on the realizing elements. The Hide Information Flow If Conveyed Information Is Missing project option controls the arrow visibility.

To change the arrow notation visibility on realizing element when the Conveyed Information is hidden or unspecified

  1. From the modeling tool main menu, choose Options Project. The Project Options dialog opens.
  2. In the dialog, go to General Diagrams.
  3. In the Diagrams property group, find the Hide Information Flow If Conveyed Information Is Missing option and set it to true.
  4. Click OK when you are done.

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