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Project branching enables multiple users to work on the same model at the same time. To do this, you need to create a project branch which is a copy of the project. You can modify the branch as required, independently of other branches. Branches can be merged back together when required. Conflicts between the branches are resolved during the merge process.
Understanding project branching
To understand how project branching works, you should be familiar with the following terms:
- Iteration - the smallest possible milestone of the project development. In other words, it is a project version you can open and review created after committing the project to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. Iterations are labeled by numbers in ascending order starting from 0 (zero).
- Revision - a larger project development milestone consisting of one or several iterations. Revisions are labeled by letters from A to Z. Note that iterations of different revisions within a branch are numbered independently as shown below.
- Branch - a copy of a project made at a certain point of the project development. Branches are labeled by numbers in ascending order starting from 1 (branch 1 is the root project). Each project branch can be developed independently and later merged with another branch. Every project branch consists of one or several revisions. Revisions of different project branches are labeled independently as shown below.
Iteration labeling
Project branching in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Creating revisions and branches
You can create new branches and revisions from any revision of any branch of a project. There is no limit to the number of branches and revisions you can create.
To create a project revision or branch
- Do one of the following:
- In the main menu of a modeling tool, select Collaborate > Open Server Project.
- In the main menu of a modeling tool, select Collaborate > Projects.
- In the open dialog, click
In the Edit Branches dialog, do one of the following:
- To create a revision, select a revision, click the Create Revision button. The revision is always created from the last iteration of the selected revision.
- To create a branch, select an iteration, click the Create Branch button.
- In the open dialog, enter an optional title and comment for a new branch or an optional comment for a new revision.
- Click OK.
After completing the above steps, a revision or branch is created and displayed in the Edit Branches dialog. A created revision or the first revision of a created branch holds information about the iteration it was created from. This information is displayed between brackets next to the name of a new revision.