After logging in to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, you can view the history of any project on the server. In addition to seeing who made changes to a project and when, you can also open a historical iteration of a project.

To view project history

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In the main menu of a modeling tool, select Collaborate > Projects.
    • In the main menu of a modeling tool, select Collaborate > Open Server Project.
  2. In the open dialog, click on the tile of the project whose history you want to view and select Project History. The History dialog opens displaying the project history.

    Viewing version properties

    • To view the properties of a specific project iteration, in the History dialog, select a project iteration and click the Properties button. The Iteration Properties dialog opens displaying project iteration details, such as the commit comment, used projects, and the list of programs and plugins required to open the project.
    • If a specific iteration was merged, the Iteration column of the History dialog shows the source iteration from which it was merged, e.g., (merged from 2.A (3)).

Opening historic project iterations

You can open and view a historic project iteration in a modeling tool as described below. However, historic project iterations cannot be edited, updated, or committed to the server.

To open a historic project iteration

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In the main menu of a modeling tool, select Collaborate > Projects.
    • In the main menu of a modeling tool, select Collaborate > Open Server Project.
  2. In the open dialog, click on the tile of the project whose historical iteration you want to open and select Project History.

  3. In the History dialog, select the iteration you want to open and click the Open button.