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When you are executing a model simulation, Magic Model Analyst creates the context, runtime objects, and runtime values to store the simulated values of the model.
A simulation session is always associated with its context of simulation. The context of a simulation session is a Class or one of its subtypes. When a context element is simulated, a runtime object (of the context's type) will be created to store the runtime values. In the following figure, the context of the selected simulation session is the Calculator class.
Runtime object
A runtime object is the simulated value of a Class. In other words, it is a runtime instance of a Class and of the context as well. In the following figure, the runtime object of the simulation session context is the "Calculator@6e46ab00" instance. Since the runtime instance is the "Calculator" Class type, it can contain structural features (which correspond to the Class attributes), such as "display" and "operand1".
Runtime value
A runtime value refers to the value of the structural features mentioned in the Runtime object section, e.g., "200" and "120". However, if the type of a structural feature is a Classifier, its runtime value can also refer to another runtime object of a structural feature type.
The Simulation console showing the context "Class, the runtime object of the simulation session context "Calculator@6e46ab00", and the runtime values of "120" and "200".
Sample model
Related pages
To learn more about working with context, runtime objects, and runtime values, you can visit the following pages