On this page:
This section provides two methods to uninstall Teamwork Cloud (TWCloud), Teamwork Cloud Admin (TWAdmin), and Cassandra using the command line and using the uninstall file. The uninstall file is located in your TeamworkCloud folder.
Using command line to uninstall
To uninstall TWCloud, TWAdmin, and Cassandra
- Stop TWCloud and Authentication Server.
- Delete the directory in which TWCloud is installed.
Uninstall Cassandra using the following commands:
$ sudo service cassandra stop $ sudo yum remove cassandra-3.11.0-1
Using the uninstall file
The uninstall file is available for Linux and Windows (.bin for Linux and .exe for Windows).
On Linux
To uninstall TWCloud using the uninstall file
Stop TWCloud and Authentication server services using the following commands:
$ sudo service twcloud-svc stop $ sudo service authserver stop
Run the uninstall file to uninstall TWCloud and TWAdmin.
Press Enter to continue.
Type either 1 to completely uninstall TWCloud and TWAdmin or 2 to uninstall selected features and follow the instructions. A message informing that TWCloud and TWAdmin uninstallation is complete will appear.
On Windows
To uninstall TWCloud using the uninstall file
Stop Teamwork Cloud service and AuthServer service from Services window.
Run the uninstall file to uninstall TWCloud and TWAdmin. The Uninstall Teamwork Cloud dialog will open.
. TWCloud will uninstall itself. The dialog will close once the uninstallation is complete.