Isolated Teamwork Servers, which run in consciously disconnected or secured environments, can still interchange projects.
MagicDraw Teamwork Server 18.1 supports transferring project data from one Teamwork Server to another using any external storage device, such as a CD, DVD, hard disc, or flash memory device. The updated version of the shared project can be transferred back to the sharing server and smoothly merged with the original project version. Furthermore, the same project version can be given to several contributors simultaneously, and their contributions to the model can be successfully merged as well.
To manage the data transfer between isolated servers, utilize the functionality of the Projects tab in the Teamwork Administrator's Console.
Here is the workflow for interchanging projects between two isolated servers:
Sharing Server | Contributing Server | |
1. | Export selected projects A, B, and C to location X, a directory on the server. For more information, refer to To export projects from the current server. | |
2. | Copy the exported data to an external storage device, such as a CD. | |
3. | Deliver the external storage device to the contributing server. | |
4. | Copy data from the external storage device to location Y, a directory on the server. | |
5. | Synchronize the server repository with data from location Y. For more information, refer to To synchronize projects on the current server with data from selected location. After the synchronization finishes, the server gets 3 new read-only projects: A, B, and C. | |
If you need to update the projects on the contributing server with new data from the sharing server, repeat steps 1 to 5. If you need to modify these projects on the contributing server and transfer the changes to the sharing server, perform steps 6 to 12. | ||
6. | Create a branch Contrib for the projects A, B, and C. | |
7. | Modify projects A, B, and C on the branch Contrib. | |
8. | Export projects A, B, and C to location Z on the server. Projects are exported with all their branches, including the branch Contrib. | |
9. | Copy the exported data to an external storage device, such as a CD. | |
10. | Deliver the external storage device back to the sharing server. | |
11. | Copy the data from the external storage device to location W on the server. | |
12. | Synchronize the server repository with data from location W. For more information, refer to To synchronize projects on the current server with data from a selected location. After the synchronization finishes, projects A, B, and C get a new read-only branch Contrib on the server. To review the transferred changes and incorporate them into the trunk, merge the projects from the new branch with the projects in the trunk. For more information, refer to Model Merge. Another solution applicable in simple cases is setting the branch version as the latest version on the trunk. For more information, refer to Project Versions dialog. | |
If you need to update the projects on the sharing server with new data from the contributing server, repeat steps 8 to 12. |
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