The following table presents Teamwork concepts.

AuthorA user who has committed a new project version.
VersionA unique number assigned to the committed project. Project version numbers begin at zero (for the initial version) and increase with every new project version.
CommentOptional description of changes in the committed version.
TagInformation about the status of a project (approved, initially tested, etc.), or other important information.
Administrator Login

The default Administrator's account in Teamwork Server is:

  • Login name: Administrator
  • Password: Administrator

We recommend changing the Administrator's password to prevent illegal access.

For more information, see the Managing Teamwork Server section.

Teamwork Server Administrator's ConsoleA remote connection for Teamwork Server status observation and administrative control. The server holds information about active users and loaded projects. The Administrator can shut down or restart the server, change its properties, and view log files (including debug information) for the server and separate projects.
RepositoryA storage place for projects and their versions managed by the Teamwork Server.
Project categoryA concept enabling visual grouping of projects in the Teamwork Server repository.
Native UserA user whose account data is stored locally, i.e. in the native Teamwork Server repository.
External UserA user whose account data (all except the login name) is stored in an external database, e.g., Subversion, or LDAP.
Used Server ProjectA server project containing one or more shared packages. Used projects are created to reuse shared packages or to decompose projects into parts.
Dependency between two elementsA situation where one element (dependent element) refers to the data of another element (independent element).
Home serverA server where a project was initially created.
Domestic projectA project created on the home server
Foreign projectA project transferred from its home server after synchronization. A foreign project cannot be modified on the server to which it was transferred. However, it can be browsed, analyzed, selected for report generation, and used in other projects on that server. A foreign project can have domestic (editable) branches.