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UAF plugin supports three element libraries:

  1. The Universal Joint Task List (UJTL).
  2. DoD Information Technology Standards and Profile Registry (DISR).
  3. Joint Conditions.

The Universal Joint Task List (UJTL), when augmented with the Service task lists, is a comprehensive integrated menu of functional tasks, conditions, measures, and criteria. It supports all levels of the Department of Defense in executing the National Military Strategy. In UAF UJTL library consists of a list of Operational Activities representing universal joint tasks.

The DoD IT Standards Registry (DISR) is an online repository of IT standards formerly captured in the Joint Technical Architecture (JTA), Version 6.0. DISR replaces JTA. In UAF, DISR is the list of standard elements that any of UAF element may conform to. DISR Library usage is the same as UJTL library. Library item indexes are included when searching for elements within the element Selection dialog.

The Joint Conditions Library supports physical, military, and civil locations, where joint tasks can be performed.You can use it, when selecting Locations.

Library versions

You can choose which UJTL or DISR library version to use for your project. By default, libraries will be loaded, but the versions will not be set (except for the Cameo Enterprise Architecture modeling tool, where the latest library versions will be set).

There are the following ways of working with library versions:

  • start a new project and work with the existing version of the libraries.
  • start a new project with Cameo Enterprise Architecture and choose different version of the libraries (you can choose one of the existing or download using the Resource / Plugin Manager).
  • open the existing project with libraries that are in the current modeling tool's version.

Choosing library version

When creating a new project, you can choose which library version you will be using.

  • By default, the libraries version is not selected for NAF, NAF4, MODAF, UAF EA, and UAF projects.
  • By default, the latest libraries version is selected for the DoDAF projects.

To choose which library version will be used

  1. Create a project.
  2. In the New Project dialog, General options, choose the needed version of the preferred library (see the figure below).
  3. Click OK.

Changing library version

You can change the library version at any time.

To change library version

  1. In the Containment tree toolbar, click Options and choose Show Auxiliary Resources.
  2. In the Containment tree, right-click the library which version you want to change.
  3. From the library shortcut menu, choose Change Library Version and then click the needed version.

If the selected library version does not contain elements of the previously used library version, such elements will be marked DELETED, but still remain in your model.

Case Study

Let us say, we need to add a standard or a policy for a system element using the StdV-1 Standards Profile table. We will select a standard from the DISR library.

To add a standard/policy from the DISR library

  1. Create the StdV-1 diagram.
  2. Create new or add an existing system element.
  3. In the Standard / Policy cell of the created or added row, click the Edit button. The Select Standard dialog opens.
  4. Click the DISR Library tab. The list of DISR standards is displayed.
  5. Select the standard and do one of the following:
    • Double-click the selected standard to add it to the Selected elements list.
    • Click the + button to add the selected standard to the Selected elements list.
  6. Click OK, after you finish selecting the standards.

Selecting standards from DISR Library